Thursday, January 12, 2012

Overlapping Disciplines of UED

Dan Saffer's website

PROJECT 1: Craigslist Redesign

Please redesign craiglist to look as if it were designed by a canonical 20th Century Designer from this linked list:

Please redesign three pages: the home page and two internal pages. Redesign each page twice, once for landscape/desktop (990 x 700) and once for portrait/tablet (1024 x 664) orientation for a total of six designs. (

This design should be done using PHOTOSHOP and ILLUSTRATOR, NOT a web design program.

These designs will be due Thursday, January 19th, posted to your blog.

for Tuesday, January 17th

Please read chapter two from our textbook, designing for interactions, by Dan Saffer.
Please also post the following to your blogs:
List and define Four Approaches to Design as described in chapter two.
*For each approach, please also post one image that in some way signifies or represents the definition. (This means you will post a total of four images)

Also please be prepared to watch videos as part of your homework assignment for Thursday, January 19th as we will begin to work with FLASH on Tuesday.