Tuesday, February 16, 2010

ActionScript 3.0: Terms and Definitions

ActionScript 3.0: Terms and Definitions

A variable represents a specific piece of data.
When you declare(create) a variable, you assign a data type.
Assigning a data type determines what kind of data the variable can represent.
var is the keyword used to create a variable

A word used to perform a specific task
var is the keyword used to create a variable

The value between parentheses
A detail for a particular command
In the method gotoAndPlay(5), 5 is the parameter

A group of statements referred to by name

abstract data that helps to perform tasks
A button is an object.

the verbs of ActionScript
stop() is a method
gotoAndPlay(5) is a method

data that describes an object
height, width, x and y coordinates are properties

occurences that happen inside the Flash environment
a mouse click is an event

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